Design Philosophy Statement

Interior Design is present in everything, from residential to office designs. I first started getting interested in design in high school, and my curiosity has been growing ever since. My interest in design is focused on residential living areas, and how they can be transformed into new spaces simply by adding a splash of color or getting a new piece of furniture. I am constantly being inspired by things around me, such as buildings I see or even things in magazines. For my future in interior design, I want to design eco-friendly spaces that use natural materials and let in lots of light.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Reflection: The task of this project was to create a personal resume that used editing components from InDesign as well as taught students how to write a professional resume. This project helped me in learning how to write a resume, and what type of information should be on it. I also learned how to better use InDesign, as I had to place multiple documents into it and then edit them. This project also taught me that if one fails the first time to try again until you get it right. I had to completely start over from scratch after my background wouldn't work, but because of it I was able to learn more about the program and end up with a better product. Overall designing my resume was a fun process and I was able to learn valuable skills that will benefit me in the future.

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